
2023 Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Funding Changes | I-Help Disability Services | NDIS Services

SDA Funding Changes 2023

The NDIA sets SDA funding at a level sufficient to cover the full lifecycle costs of appropriate accommodation after accounting for a reasonable rent contribution from the participant and land price inflation.

When participants receive SDA funding, they are allocated a SDA category on their plan, being Improved Liveability, Fully Accessible, High Physical Supports, and Robust.

Participants are also allocated a build type that their funding allows and suits their needs, being apartment, villa, duplex, house, group home, along with the number of bedrooms and residents.

This June saw significant changes occur in SDA funding levels, with Improved Liveability 2-bedroom houses seeing the highest increases, while SDA funding for High Physical Support apartments seeing significant decreases. These adjustments align with stakeholder feedback and contribute to the recent trend of constructing apartments and High Physical Support dwellings due to their initial overpricing.

The price changes are a rebalancing of the types of dwellings constructed to better match demand. This realignment is projected to result in an eventual 4% reduction in the average SDA Amount compared to current levels, while better catering to participant needs and geographic distribution. Over time, more expensive SDA apartments and high physical support dwellings will be replaced by Improved Liveability and Fully Accessible dwellings.

With these changes, owners of high physical supports category dwellings will be more open to accepting participants with fully accessible and improved liveability funding, as they will see higher returns than before.

I-Help Disability Services provide SIL services within SDA and SIL properties. We have a large network within the industry, giving us the opportunity to have many SDA and SIL properties available to us across Victoria and Brisbane. 

Get in touch with us for any inquiries:

📞 (03) 9863 6959

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