How do NDIS Support Budgets work?
There are three types of support budgets: Core Supports budget, Capacity building supports budget, and capital supports budget.
It is possible to have NDIS funding for all these support budgets if it is necessary for you achieve your goals, however the allocated budget for one category is not transferrable to another. For example, funding that is set aside for assistance with daily life cannot be used for home modifications, as assistance with daily life falls under core supports, while home modifications fall under capital supports. If you believe that the allocated funding needs to be changed around for you to able to achieve your goals, you can request a NDIS plan review which will commence within 14 days of the requesting a review. Alternatively, you can wait for your next scheduled NDIS plan review.
We have come up with a colour coded table with all the support budgets, support categories with examples and rules that apply.

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