Phone No 03 9863 6959
I-Help Disability Services

Participating in the community, social and civic activites

IHDS understands the importance of participants enjoying the recreational aspect of life. IHDS develops client’s ability to partake in social, community and recreational activities and supporting them during the activities. Community participation programs will help the individual improve their physical and mental wellbeing. A disability should not be a barrier to anyone living their life to the fullest. We provide meaningful community participation supports and suggest ideas that might be an interest to participants, so that they can make the decision to partake in the activity


This support is designed for individuals who wish to expand their social circles, interact with the community, and join groups to build friendship networks. We can support you to access and engage with your community, whether you want to further your goals and interests, work, study or simply socialise. We can arrange transport, accompany you and provide any personal support you require while out. You can choose to participate one-on-one or in a group.


Using the social support model, IHDS can help you to extend your independence beyond the home, for you to enjoy the experiences in your area while building up your confidence to make meaningful lifestyle choices. Getting out and being a valued member of your community is just as important as enjoying your home environment. As your independence and confidence grows your ties to the community grows too. From here you will be able to try new experience and further skills in existing accomplishments.


I-Help Disability Services assists NDIS participants to engage in social, recreational, and skill-building activities to enhance independence and inclusion. Support workers assist participants with community access, taking public transport, participating in hobbies, sports, attending medical appointments, as well as fostering social connection and personal growth.


The NDIS funds support worker assistance for community participation if the activity aligns with their plan goals and is deemed reasonable and necessary.
I-Help has immediate capacity to provide community participation throughout Melbourne.


IHDS respected staff are available to facilitate you to access your community in confidence and maintain respected relationships with partners, family, and friends.

To know more I-help Disability Services, call 1300 004 437 or email us at info@ihds.com.au.

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