What is the difference between SIL & SDA?
Difference between SIL and SDA
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is specifically designed disability housing for participants with high level care needs.
Supported Independent Living (SIL) services are the daily on-site supports services that assist individuals to live independently within SIL and SDA homes.
Difference between SIL and SDA homes
SDA homes must meet very specific building requirements, whereas SIL homes do not need to meet specific building requirements. There are four categories of SDA homes with different building requirements for each.
Difference between SDA providers and SIL providers
SDA providers acquire SDA properties by purchasing properties or working with investors.
SIL providers are the providers of supported independent living (SIL) onsite supports in SDA and SIL properties.
Both SDA and SIL providers are required to run an SDA property. Both SDA and SIL providers must be two separate entities so that SDA participants can freely change SIL supports without them being required to move house